How to improve your English speaking skills?

How to improve your English speaking skills? – English has become a global and a must learn language not only for India but for the entire world. Good English speaking skills can do wonders in the interviews, presentations and even in day today life. Here are few ways by which you can improve your English speaking skills-
Start with a standard and a good English book-

Book is the most affordable and accurate medium to learn any skill in the world. To study the English language from basics to the highest level ‘Wren and Martin- English Grammar’ is the world’s most renowned and famous book. This book is considered to be Bible of the English Grammar and speaking skills. It’s highly recommended that if you are not confident in speaking English then go for this excellent book. (To Buy Wren & Martin- CLICK HERE)
Practice makes a man perfect-

Try speaking in English in whatever way because if you won’t practice then nobody in this world can help you. So try answering questions in English and consider them writing in English too.
Immediately search for pronunciation-
If you think you are speaking any word incorrectly immediately search that word in Google and listen to the correct pronunciation because this will not only help you in speaking a word correctly but will also fetch you good impressions in the front of listeners.
Consider writing your thoughts in English in a dairy-
If you will make a habit of writing things in English and specially your thoughts then nobody can stop you from being an excellent speaker. So it’s recommended to write your thoughts and express them in a small notebook or dairy.
Watch videos with English subtitles or in English language-
This is a proven science that if you watch videos with English sub titles or in English language then you can improve your speaking skills significantly. So next time you watch any YouTube video or movie, consider turning on the English subtitles or listen them in English language.
Reading good motivational books and watching interviews that have good quality English language-

You can also start reading some good motivational books which will not only motivate you but will also help you in improving your vocabulary. You can also watch some interviews of some great personalities which can really improve your language skills. (To Buy a Motivational Book set- CLICK HERE)
Always keep a dictionary by your side-

This is the most basic suggestion given by all scholars. A good quality pocket dictionary can do wonders for you in improving your vocabulary and pronunciation skills. (To Buy a good quality dictionary- CLICK HERE)
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