How to crack CUET?

How to crack CUET? image

How to crack CUET? – CUET (Central University Entrance Test will be conducted this year for admissions in various central universities of India. Students are very much concerned on the strategy to crack this entrance exam. Addressing their worries here is detailed plan on how to crack CUCET

Understand the syllabus-

Syllabus image

Every aspirant has to understand that syllabus of CUET is combination of all chapters of NCERT Class 11th and 12th (Physics, Chemistry and Maths). But there is one extra section to called General Awareness which contains 25 questions of general knowledge and mathematical reasoning, these questions are very easy and any normal student with basic knowledge of his/her surroundings can do this.

Also, you need to understand that there will be 100 questions in CUET with allotted time of 3 Hours so you need to be fast and accurate.

Studying NCERTs-

How to crack CUET?

NCERTs are the key to crack CUET because questions are very standard and are based out of NCERT only. In Physics & Chemistry NCERTs will help you answering approximately 90% of the questions if you have studied NCERTs well enough. In mathematics any competitive book like RD Sharma, RS Agrawal, TMH, Cengage or Arihant is more than enough.

Making notes-

How to crack CUET?

While studying every topic try making short notes of every topic because in CUET questions will be easy hence the more you attempt higher will be your chances of getting good rank. And for this, notes are must.

Understand the competition and complete maximum syllabus from NCERTs-

You have to understand that there will be approximately one million candidates applying for CUET, so competition will be very high. Hence to beat this competition you have to cover maximum syllabus from NCERTs because the level of paper will not be too difficult.

Give mock tests and solve previous year questions-

Solving previous year questions (PYQs) is very important. Hence we have made you available the question bank and PYQs here at engineering hub (

All the best and keep working hard!


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